Office: Wood Hall 002D
Office Hours, Fall 2021: 2-3pm on Thursdays or by appointment
Advisor: Bradley Simpson
BA: Individualized Study (Concentration: International Political Economy and Geography), New York University
Grace Easterly is a PhD Candidate studying how the concepts of the freedom of navigation and maritime sovereignty evolved during the second half of the twentieth century in an era of decolonization, Cold War, US naval dominance, and expanding maritime shipping.
Prior to joining the UConn community, she was a Program Coordinator and Research Assistant at the Stimson Center. She graduated summa cum laude from NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study with a BA focusing on International Political Economy and Geography and a minor in French.
Dissertation: Cold War Chokepoints: US Empire, Freedom of Navigation, and Sovereignty at Sea
Research Interests:
US and the World, Cold War, Critical Geopolitics, International Law, Maritime Logistics, Security and Militarism
Selected Publications:
Easterly, Grace. “The U.S. Only Pretends to Want ‘Freedom of the Seas.’” TIME, February 15, 2024.
Threlkeld, Elizabeth and Grace Easterly. “Afghanistan-Pakistan Ties and Future Stability in Afghanistan.” United States Institute of Peace, August 2021.
Easterly, Grace. “From Imperial Port City to Logistics Hub: The Production of Strategic Space in Djibouti.” Crossroads 19, no. 1, (January 2021): 74-98.
Awards and Fellowships:
Cold War Archives Research (CWAR) Institute Fellowship, Wilson Center, 2024-2025
Thomas G. Paterson Scholarship in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 2022, 2023
Jorgensen Fellowship, University of Connecticut, 2021-2026
Conferences and Workshops:
Business History Conference, Providence, RI, panel presentation, March 2024.
Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) Conference, Arlington, VA, panel presentation, June 2023.
“Rethinking the Past and Present of Liberal Internationalism” Conference, panel presentation, hosted by LSE and City, University of London, May 2023.
“Age of Reagan” Conference, Simi Valley, CA, panel presentation, August 2023.
Junior Scholars Symposium, Cato Institute, Washington, DC, presenter, October 2022.
Summer Seminar in History and Statecraft, Clements Center at UT Austin, July 2022.
NYU Global Asia Colloquium, New York, NY, panel presentation, February 2020.
“Indian Ocean Port Cities and Their Hinterlands” Workshop, NYU Shanghai, presenter, Sept. 2019.