The History Department hosts Wednesday Workshops several times throughout the semester to further scholarly dialogue among graduate students, faculty, and visiting scholars. In the form of a brownbag lunch, the speaker presents their research-in-progress and then engages in a Q&A with the audience. Workshops generally take place from 12:15 – 1:15 in the Wood Hall Basement Lounge. Please contact Assistant Professor Kaveh Yazdani at if you are interested in presenting at or attending a Wednesday Workshop.
UConn History Department Wednesday Workshops (2013-2025)
Spring 2025
April 23
Nicolas Martin-Breteau, History, Université de Lille, “Frontline Bodies. Sports and Black Struggles for Justice since the Late Nineteenth Century”
April 9
Eran Zelnick, History, California State University, “American Laughter, American Fury: Humor and the Making of a White Man’s Democracy, 1750-1850”
March 26
Wellington Castellucci Junior, History, Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia, “Whalemen go down from the North. The history of the North American whale hunt in the South Atlantic, especially along the Brazilian Coast, 1760 to 1850”
January 22
Fiona Vernal, History, UConn, “Archival Slivers and Side Glances: Uncovering Black Lives in Hartford”
Fall 2024
December 4
Hana Maruyama, History, UConn, “‘The Land Is Fenced’: The Role of Japanese American Incarcerated Labor in the Formation of Settler Property on Indigenous Lands”
November 4
Jesse Olsavsky, History, Duke University, “Frederick Douglass and the Trajectories of Pan-Africanism, 1876-1945”
October 23
Julio Vezub, History, CONICET, “Maps, sketches, and strategies for invading the Argentinian desert: Francisco Host’s explorations in Salta, Neuquén and Chaco, 1871-1886”
Spring 2024
April 17
Mars Plater, History, UConn, “Gardens of Pleasure and Profit: Commercial Green Spaces in New York City, 1800-1850”
March 20
Thomas Maulucci, History, UConn, “Selling the German Democratic Republic: DEFA’s ‘Foreign Ministry Films”
January 31
Katharine Beene, History, UConn, “Párliament na mBan as Political Satire and Conduct Manual in Late 17th-Century Ireland”
Fall 2023
November 15
Stephen Vider, History, UConn, “On Our Own: Psychiatric Deinstitutionalization and the Politics of Care”
October 18
Will Theiss, History, UConn, “Reading Wrong: Humanistic Failure and the Philosophy of Justus Lipsius (1547-1606)”
Spring 2023
April 19
Avery McGraw, History, UConn, “We of My Kind: Transnational Medical Discourse and Trans* Identity Formation in 1950s Italy”
March 29
Joel Blatt, History, UConn, “Remembering Vietnam”
Fall 2022
October 12
Alejandra Monti, Universidad Nacional de Rosario/ CONICET, “Technical Assistance as Strategy: The Ford Foundation’s Regional and Urban Planning in Argentina and Chile, 1960-1973″
September 28
Luke Reynolds, History, UConn, “Who Owned Waterloo? Battle, Memory, and Myth in British History, 1815-1852″
Spring 2022
April 27
David Evans, History, UConn, “Did the United States Really Go to War in Afghanistan?”
April 6
Anna Kittredge, History, UConn; Adam Brookes, novelist and former BBC correspondent, “Writing About Espionage”
Fall 2021
December 8
Christopher Clark, History, UConn, “Global Capitalism Meets Settler Colonialism: The Wyoming Range War of the Early 1890s”
November 10
Peter Zarrow, History, UConn, “Abolishing Boundaries: Global Utopias in the Formation of Modern Chinese Political Thought, 1880-1940”
October 13
Bradley Simpson, History, UConn, “Using E-Reader Platform ‘Perusall’ for Teaching”
Victor Zatsepine, History, UConn, “Zoom, Zoom, Zoom! Hosting Your Own Meeting”
September 29
Cornelia Dayton, History, UConn, ” Lost Years Recovered: John Peters and Phillis Wheatley Peters in Middletown”
Spring 2021
April 7
Daniel Hershenzon, LCL, UConn, “Islamic Institutions and Slaves’ Collective Action in 18th Century Spain”
Fall 2020
December 2
Joseph McAlhany, History, UConn, “An Irysheman Lost & Found”
September 30
Walter Woodward, History, UConn and State Historian of Connecticut, “Creating Connecticut: Critical Moments That Shaped a Great State.”
Spring 2020
February 26
Jason Chang, History & Director of AAASI, UConn, “Connecticut’s Tobacco Valley: Imperialism, Migration, and Internal Colonization”
March 25
Tom Balcerski, History, Eastern Connecticut State University, “Bosom Friends: The Intimate World of James Buchanan and William Rufus King”
April 1
Jonathan Michaels, History, UConn-Hartford, “The Liberal Dilemma: The Pragmatic Tradition in the Age of McCarthyism”
Fall 2019
October 2
Graduate Student Teaching Brown Bag Forum.
October 30
Thoko Sipungu, Rhodes University, and Siyanda Ntlabathi, University of Fort Hare. Visiting Scholars Presentation: “Internationalization and Africanization in the era of Decolonization” (Ntlabathi) & “Masculinity and Disability in the Eastern Cape, South Africa” (Sipungu)
November 6
James Kolb, UConn ’19. “Cemetery Analysis: Where History and GIS Converge”
December 15
Glenn Gordinier, Munson Institute of American Maritime Studies, “From Selfish Pleasure to Personal Commitment: Oral History and the Maturity of Global Surf Culture”
Spring 2019
January 30
Helen Rozwadowski, History, UConn-Avery Point, “Wild Blue: Legacy of the Post-World War II Perception of Ocean as Frontier”
February 27
Brendan Kane, History, UConn, “Digital humanities, language acquisition and expanding the historical archive: ‘Lé – Learning Early Modern Irish’”
March 27
Jonathan Schroeder, English and Comparative Literary Studies, Warwick University, “Bondservants of Liberty: The Jacobs Family and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793”
April 10
Katherine R. Jewell, History, Fitchburg State University, “The Square Origins of the ‘Left of the Dial’: College Radio and Student Protest Movements, 1969–1973”
Fall 2018
October 3
Matthew Guariglia, History, UConn, “The American Problem: Race, Empire, and Policing in New York City”
October 24
Peter C. Baldwin, History, UConn, “The Social Mouth in a New Era of American Public Health, 1880-1920”
November 7
Shelley E. Rose, History, Cleveland State University, “What Happens When Historians Think About Space? Mapping Twentieth-Century Protest Events in the U.S. and Germany”
November 28
Edward Guimont, History, UConn, “Colonialism from the Gretaceous: Ancient Aliens, Modern Dinosaurs, and the Lizard People Conspiracy”
December 5
Mlamuli Hlatshwayo, Rhodes University and Vuyani Booim, University of Fort Hare, “The Decolonizing Movement in South Africa: Two Views from Archives and Curriculum Studies”
Spring 2018
January 31
Victor Zatsepine and Megan Streit, History, UConn, Panel “City of Hope: Vladivostok at the Crossroads”
February 28
David Evans, History, UConn, “Food Politics and the Cold War”
March 28
Winifred Maloney, History, UConn, “Career Diversity in Humanities”
April 11
Nicola Carpentieri, LCL, UConn, “Arab Poets in Norman Sicily”
Fall 2017
October 4
Sharmishtha Roy Chowdhury, History, UConn, “Those Long Months in the Hideous Flat”: The First World War, the Mesopotamian Campaign, and Reimagining British India, 1914-1919”
November 8
Laurence Langer, Victor Zatsepine, History, UConn; Chris Vials, English, Roundtable “Reflections on the Russian Revolution after 100 Years”
November 29
Facundo Martín (CONICET/ UN Cuyo) & Mark Healey, History, UConn, “Pumping the Future Dry: Expansion, Expertise, and Collapse in the Irrigated Grapelands of Argentina, 1950-1990”
Spring 2017
February 15
Nathan Braccio, History, UConn, “Algonquian and English Geographies”
April 26
Joel Blatt, UConn Stamford, “Why Hitler Murdered the Jews According to Timothy Snyder, Others, and Me”
Fall 2016
October 5
Ricardo Raul Salazar Rey, History, UConn, “Comparing Spanish and British Legal and Economic Justifications for Slavery”
November 9
Aimee Loiselle, History, UConn, “Beyond Norma Rae: Puerto Rican Needleworkers and Striking Mill Hands”
December 7
Richard Brown, History, UConn, “Self-Evident Truths: Contesting Equal Rights from the Revolution to the Civil War”
Spring 2016
March 30
Alexis Dudden, History, UConn, “The New Map of Japan: World War III All Over Again?”
April 13
Jeff Egan, History, UConn, “The Swift River Valley and the Creation of Boston’s Quabbin Reservoir, 1880-1945”
Fall 2015
September 16
Charles Lansing, History, UConn, “Telling the Story of West Germany’s Nazi Hunters: the Central Agency, the Extermination of Latvia’s Jews, and Postwar Attitudes about the Nazi Past”
November 11
Mary Mahoney, History, UConn, “Taking a Literary Pulse: A History of the Use of Reading to Heal the Self and Its Diseases”
Spring 2015
February 4
Andrew Janco, Human Rights Institute, UConn, “Archival Research Using Digital Archives”
March 4
Michael Dintenfass, History, UConn, “The Idea of Vanity”
April 1
Nancy Shoemaker, History, UConn, “History of the Extraterritorial United States to 1860”
April 15
Joy Land, UConn Stamford, “Gendered Places, Global Spaces: Women, Work, and World’s Fairs – Evidence from the Alliance Israelite Universelle (AIU) School for Girls, City of Tunis, 1883-1893”
Fall 2014
September 17
Jane E. Schultz, IUPUI, “Sounding the Archives: A Scholar’s Professional and Personal Journey”
November 12
Ariel Lambe, History, UConn, “For a New Cuba and a New Spain: Popular Cuban Antifascism and the Spanish Civil War”
November 12
Casey Green, History, UConn, “Manhood in Crisis: Disability and Masculinity, 1750-1820”
December 3
Tom Scheinfeldt, Digital Media & Design, UConn, “Digital Humanities: If We Don’t Do it, THEY WILL”
Spring 2014
February 19
Allison Horrocks and Michael Limberg, History, UConn, “Extension: The Wide Reach of US Rural Education Practices”
April 9
Peter Zarrow, History, UConn, “The ‘Utopian Impulse’ in Modern Chinese Thought: Research Dilemmas”
April 16
Erin Bartram, History, UConn, “Jane Says? Writing a Woman’s Life Without her Words”
Fall 2013:
October 9
Christopher Clark, “Land, Labor, and Property Rights before the American Civil War”
November 13
Eduardo Canedo, History, UConn, “The Abolition of Usury Limits, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Banks”
December 4
Frank Costigliola, History, UConn, “How Kennan Thought about Russia: Modes of Cognition and the Formation of the Cold War”