Daniela Domínguez Tavares
Daniela Itzel Domínguez Tavares grew up in Mexico, and studied at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes (UAA) where she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in History. She served as core jury member for the federal program PECDA in 2021.She obtained her MA degree in Latino & Latin American Studies from El Instituto at the University of Connecticut in 2022. At El Instituto, she developed historical research about Mexico’s diplomacy during the 1960s. Her actual PhD project examines the post-revolutionary Mexican state during the cold war with an emphasis on PEMEX.
Interests include Modern Mexico and Latin American History, diplomatic history, oil and development, cold war, environment, politics of oil, nationalism.
Advisor: Mark Healey
Select Awards
Hugh M. Hamil Graduate Fellowship in Latin American History, University of Connecticut, 2022.
Whetten Latin American Studies, Research Fund. University of Connecticut, 2021.
Elizabeth Mahan Research Fund. University of Connecticut, 2021.
PECDA, Aguascalientes Mexico. 2017-2018.
Conference Presentations
“Mexico meets Argentine oil: comparision of the oil industries in 1960.” New England Council of Latin American Studies, NECLAS. Worcester Polytechnic Institute. November 2023.
“Mexico & Venezuela: oil, cooperation and Revolutionary rhetoric of Adolfo Lopez Mateos in 1960.” Awarded third place on best paper on International History. James A. Barnes, Graduate Student Conference, Temple University, March 2023.
Selected Publications
Book chapter
“El vestigio jesuita: Cieneguilla en el siglo XVIII” on Reyes Rodriguez, Andres (coord), Diez años de patrimonio mundial. El camino Real de Tierra Adentro en Aguascalientes (Mexico: Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, 2021) ISBN 978-607-8782-51-2
Book review
“Our Women on the ground. Essays by Arab women reporting for the Arab world” Aguaardiente no. 15, June, 2020.
“Cien años del articulo 3ro Constitucional” Aguaardiente, no. 8, October 2018.
![Daniela Domínguez Tavares](https://history.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/36/2022/08/431477194_1534292237148174_830589033215896472_Daniela-Itzel-Doming-profile-pic.jpg)
daniela.dominguez22@uconn.edu | |
Mailing Address | 241 Glenbrook Rd., U-4103, Storrs CT 06269 |
Office Location | Wood Hall 206 |
Office Hours | Tuesdays 1:00pm-4:00pm (at Greenhouse Studios) or by appointment |