Shihan Zheng

Office Hours, Spring 2021: by appointment Shihan Zheng
Office: 3B (Basement Level), Wood Hall

Advisor: Peter Zarrow

Education and Degrees:

B.A., History, Jinan University, Guangzhou, 2015
M.A., Global History, Marquette University, 2017

Areas of Interest:
Modern China, Global History, Chinese Intellectual History, China-U.S. Relations

Current Research:
Opium discourses and prohibition policies in Late-Qing and Early-Republican China.


During my undergraduate study at Jinan University, I was mainly trained in the history of Chinese immigration and the rural societies in late-imperial China. I came to the United States in 2015 and started to study global history at Marquette University. My graduate paper examined a case of early contact between China and the United States during the Embargo of 1807. My current research project focuses on the opium addiction as a social problem and the related discourses among intellectuals and officials in Late-Qing China.