UCHI “Re-Reading the Revolution”: A Conference Launching Léamh: Learn Early Modern Irish

“Re-Reading the Revolution”: A Conference Launching Léamh: Learn Early Modern Irish (Leamh.org)

October 3-5, 2017
University of Connecticut
UConn Humanities Center, 4th Floor, Homer Babbidge Library, 369 Fairfield Way, Storrs
The “Re-Reading the Revolution” conference marks the launch of the website, Léamh: Learn Early Modern Irish, a web-based tutorial and resource for learning how to read and translate Early Modern Irish. This is a “working” launch consisting of three complementary sections: a workshop to produce a new text selection for the website www.leamh.org, research panels consisting of leading scholars in Celtic languages speaking to recent research on the “revolutionary” years 1630-1660, and roundtables that explore the ways by which the Celtic languages can be used to reorient our thinking about major historical events.


Conference Registration, program, and additional information may be found at www.regonline.com/leamhlaunchconference