Month: September 2023

Fiona Vernal to Present for Hartford Lecture Series on Oct. 5th

Fiona Vernal, associate professor of history, UConn Hartford Lecture Series brings local organizations and their histories to light. UCONN’s Fiona Vernal, Director,  Engaged, Public, Oral and Community Histories (EPOCH), convened the series in collaboration with CT State Community College, the Hartford Heritage project, and series founder Bill Hosley.  Vernal will deliver her lecture (in person and live stream) on Hartford’s ethnic heritage on October 5th at 5:45 p.m. at CT’s Old State House.

For streaming information, please see the attached poster.





McElya in the Post on Removal of Arlington’s Confederate Memorial

Prof. Micki McElya provides meaningful commentary and historical context on the removal of and plans for the Arlington Memorial’s Confederate statue in the Washington Post article, “Youngkin directs VMI to accept controversial Confederate statue.” The piece, written by Joe Hein and Ian Shapiro, discusses Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s request for the Virginia Military Institute to accept responsibility for the placement at the Virginia Museum of the Civil War at New Market Battlefield State Historical Park.

McElya’s book, The Politics of Mourning: Death and Honor in Arlington National Ceremony (a Pulitzer Prize finalist) highlights the role of Arlington Cemetery as the most influential site of politicized national identity formation in the United States. Her scholarly work provides important context for understanding the removal and the continued education necessary to clarify, as McElya noted, “the toxic misrepresentations of slavery, the Confederacy, and the Civil War the monument represents.”

Micki McElya, professor of history, UConn


Alexis Dudden Piece Top Pick for Imperial and Global History

Prof. Alexis Dudden was featured in last week’s top picks for imperial and global history by the University of Exeter, as part of a larger project on “Mapping China’s Strategic Space,” for her piece, “Mental Maps, Territorial Imaging, and Strategy: Thinking about the Japanese Empire,” which analyzes how Japanese leaders used mental maps and territorial imagining as global communication to reinforce existing territories and later, expand their empire.

Alexis Dudden, professor of history, UConn

Dolore e furore: Una storia delle Brigatte rosse

Sergio Luzzatto, Author

Giulio Einaudi editore, 2023


The painful history of Italy's "years of lead" through the portrait of a furious generation.

To tell the story of the Italy of the Red Brigades, Sergio Luzzatto chose to follow one red thread, one central biography, while placing it in a broader and evocative choral perspective. The red thread comes from the short and bloody life of the former sailor turned radical Riccardo Dura. It was Dura whose killing of the communist worker Guido Rossa set the Red Brigades on their violent path and changed the history of Italy. And it was Dura whose own murder by the police placed the ambiguous seal of martyrdom on left-wing terrorism. The choral perspective comes from the faces and voices of Genoa, the city where the armed struggle began and where it ended. The history of the armed struggle must be understood by looking at the many rather than at the one individual, by looking back at the Italy of the Sixties that gave birth to the movement, as much as the Italy of the Seventies where it played out. Migration, the family, the school, the factory, the "movements", the square, the university, the prison: this history of the "comrades who made mistakes" starts out as a Bildungsroman before turning into a detective novel.

Sergio Luzzatto Dolore e furore book cover.